Indulge in our delicious coffee, cookies & cakes

Enjoy soothing ambiance, plants for sale, dish of the day, pets welcome!

Delicious Coffee

Indulge in our delicious coffee, cookies, and cakes in a soothing ambiance with plants for sale.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Enjoy The Experience

Indulge in our delicious coffee, cookies, and cakes in a soothing ambiance.

Pets Welcome

Bring your pets to enjoy our coffee shop with plants for sale.

Dish of the Day Specials

Try our dish of the day specials while sipping on our delicious coffee & wine.

Immerse yourself at home, with the soul warming experience of plants.

Plants Available for Purchase

Contact Us

For inquiries about our delicious coffee, cookies, and cakes, plants for sale, or daily specials, please reach out to us.